Gary Papay
التابع لـ CENTURY 21 Boston & Company

4300 Teckla Blvd. Suite 2A

Being a Real Estate agent and Broker is my true passion in life. I worked in Management for 25 years at United, before going into Real Estate. When I was promoted to a management position and moved to Dumas; I was very lost in the whole process of buying a home there, it was then that my goal was to become a Real Estate agent, and make sure my clients never were as confused and lost as I was during that transaction. I have now been in Real Estate for 20 years, and a broker for 18, always with Century 21. I was the Chairman for the Amarillo Association of Realtors and taught Real Estate classes at Amarillo College for 8 years. I love helping people and guiding them through the buying and selling process.

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موقع المكتب

4300 Teckla Blvd. Suite 2A, Amarillo, تكساس, الولايات المتحدة
صورة الخريطة

Century 21® يملك حاليًا Gary Papay وكيل العقارات 4 القوائم. Gary Papay يتحدث الإنجليزية . Gary Papay يعمل Century 21® مكتب العقارات:CENTURY 21 Boston & Company الكائن في4300 Teckla Blvd. Suite 2A, Amarillo, تكساس, الولايات المتحدة بتاريخCentury 21®.