103 South Main

To Lindsey Egner, \342\200\234We offer real estate services\342\200\235 means way more than what it means to most brokers. It means that we are going to absolutely WOW our clients, colleagues, and competitors with our impeccable services, deep commitment to excellence, and relentless determination to provide nothing but the best.

Lindsey isn\342\200\231t limited to being a well-rounded, experienced, nationally recognized, industry published, educated Designated Managing Broker for our offices; she actually started a class newspaper in 5th grade and came in 2nd in the 8th grade spelling bee, which helped to propel her into the world of real estate greatness. Since beginning her career in 2000 as the best part-time weekend/evening receptionist anyone had ever seen, Lindsey has experienced every facet of the residential real estate industry, from the bottom up, the hard way. This special insight lets her view problem solving from every possible angle, ensuring that she can lend a very strong hand while helping clients navigate the potential crises of the closing process.

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Emplacement du bureau

103 South Main, Columbia, Illinois, États-Unis
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L'agent immobilier Lindsey Egner de Century 21® a actuellement 0 annonces. Lindsey Egner parle Anglais . Lindsey Egner travaille au bureau immobilier Century 21® : CENTURY 21 Advantage Real Estate, Inc. situé au 103 South Main, Columbia, Illinois, États-Unis sur Century 21®.