Barb Maxon

1114 4th Street
Sioux City

My COMMITMENT is to bring you SUPERIOR CUSTOMER SERVICE no matter how big or small your real estate needs. Your satisfaction is always my top priority. I have been in the real estate business for over 47 years and with that bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that cannot be matched. My work ethic, professionalism, integrity, and dedication are strengths I pride myself upon. My years of service mean you have an agent with the expertise to help you market and sell your home or purchase the perfect home.
I have received the following awards: 2009 Siouxland\342\200\231s REALTOR\302\256 of the Year; Consistent winner of President\342\200\231s Award from the local board of REALTORS\302\256; and have been ranked the #1 residential agent by volume in the Northwest Iowa MLS for 4 of the last 5 years. Currently, I am a member of the Northwest Iowa Regional Board of REALTORS\302\256 finance committee, past member of the Northwest Iowa Regional Board of REALTORS\302\256 Board of Directors, MLS committee, social committee and education committee. I have the designations of ABR, CRS, GRI & CNE.
I look forward to helping you make your dreams come true. Whether buying or selling a home, you can count on my 100% effort to make the journey as rewarding as possible.

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1114 4th Street, Sioux City, 아이오와, 미국
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Century 21® 공인중개사는 Barb Maxon 현재 14개의 목록을 보유하고 있습니다.Barb Maxon은(는) 영어를 구사합니다.Barb Maxon은(는) Century 21® 공인중개사에서 일하고 있습니다. 해당 공인중개사는 Century 21®, 1114 4th Street, Sioux City, 아이오와, 미국의 CENTURY 21 ProLink 에 위치하고 있습니다.