534 Abrego Street

Teresa chose a career in Real Estate back in 1997 \342\200\223 she loved looking at homes and the schedule worked well with her family life. Since then, she has made several dreams come true, helping many families through the process of buying/selling property.

Teresa loves handing house keys to First Time Buyers \342\200\223 \342\200\234Nothing Better\342\200\235, she says. She also enjoys the relationship-building process of Listing a home/property and holds their Open House with a \342\200\234great source of pride\342\200\235!

When she\342\200\231s not with clients, Teresa loves ZUMBA! She and her family also enjoy being outdoors by the Coast. Call Teresa today to say hello and learn more about how her experience can change yours!

For Service Beyond the Sale, Call me!

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사무실 위치

534 Abrego Street, Monterey, 캘리포니아, 미국
지도 이미지

Century 21® 공인중개사는 Teresa Souza 현재 1개의 목록을 보유하고 있습니다.Teresa Souza은(는) 영어를 구사합니다.Teresa Souza은(는) Century 21® 공인중개사에서 일하고 있습니다. 해당 공인중개사는 Century 21®, 534 Abrego Street, Monterey, 캘리포니아, 미국의 CENTURY 21 Showcase, REALTORS® 에 위치하고 있습니다.