1624 Canal Farm Lane
Los Banos

MLS 번호: 224006340

US$449,000 USD

주거용 대지
상세 정보

부동산 사양

업데이트된 일자: 2024. 1. 30.


OVER ONE ACRE property nestled within the city limits with the potential of developing Multi-residential units,this charming older house exudes a timeless elegance that whispers tales of yesteryears. As you approach, the weathered facade tells a story of bygone eras, with peeling paint revealing the layers of history it has witnessed.Venturing into the backyard, the full expanse of the one-acre lot becomes apparent. Towering trees provide shade and a sense of seclusion, creating a potential oasis within the city.In the hands of a passionate investor, this aging beauty could regain its former glory and stand as a testament to the preservation of architectural history. The potential returns, both in terms of personal satisfaction and financial gain, make this property a compelling prospect for those with the foresight to unlock its hidden splendor.

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1624 Canal Farm Lane
Los Banos