Large Development Land, Cabo Engaño, Punta Cana
Punta Cana
La Altagracia

Numer MLS: 1152756

15 579 321 USD

Minimalna powierzchnia do sprzedaży
311 586m²

Cechy nieruchomości

Zaktualizowana data: 4 kwi 2024

Szczegóły konstrukcyjne

Stan budynku
Nowy budynek


Wielkość działki/gruntu
311 586m²
Virtual Tour


This expansive residential land offers a rare opportunity to create your dream estate. Encompassing a vast expanse of approximately 77 acres, the property is a canvas waiting for your vision to unfold. Whether you aspire to create a private vacation resort, a gated community for housing, or a private sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of city life, this expansive residential land presents a rare and extraordinary opportunity. Immerse yourself in the possibilities of creating your own development in Punta Cana.

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Large Development Land, Cabo Engaño, Punta Cana
Punta Cana
La Altagracia