162 W. Main Street
North Carolina

Hey there! I'm Polly Drake, your friendly neighborhood real estate agent with a passion for life's greatest treasures: family, adventure, and a bit of sweat equity. Picture me as your personal real estate guru, here to guide you through the wild adventure of buying or selling a home. Think of me as your partner in crime, your go-to person for all things real estate. When I'm not busy helping clients find their dream homes or negotiating deals, you can bet I'm out on the Pamlico River, soaking up the sun and enjoying some quality boating time with my loved ones. With a love for real estate, a zest for adventure, and a heart full of love, I'm here to help you navigate the exciting journey of finding your perfect oasis. Most importantly, I've got your back. Whether you're a first-time buyer, a seasoned seller, or somewhere in between, I'm here to make your real estate journey as smooth and stress-free as possible. So let's do this \342\200\223 together!"

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162 W. Main Street, Вашингтон, Северная Каролина, Соединенные Штаты
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Агент по недвижимости PollyDrake из Century 21®, в настоящий момент имеет 0 предложения/предложений. Polly Drake говорит на языке: Английский. Polly Drake работает в агентстве недвижимости Century 21®: CENTURY 21 The Realty Group адрес: 162 W. Main Street, Вашингтон, Северная Каролина, Соединенные Штаты, веб-сайт: Century 21®.