74 Maple Avenue
New York

Born and raised in Catskill, NY I couldn't wait to leave. I traveled to Alaska at 18 years old and took many trips to Europe after my return. In my early 20's I joined a band, toured extensively around the country and lived in NYC. In those travels, the band took me over every inch of New York state and the Hudson Valley. This journey showed me how special the Hudson Valley truly is. To be two hours from the greatest city in the world, immersed in art history and surrounded by the river, mountains and lakes. There is now, no place I'd rather be, and this is why I decided to raise my family here. I had spent the last 20 years in historical restoration, stripping down old Victorian homes to the bare wood, and restoring them to their original grandeur. Completing two projects on Frederick Churchs castle, Olana, were my crowning achievements. My knowledge of upstate and my experience in restoration have become essential tools in assisting my clients. Whether it's marketing your listing or helping you find the perfect home, I love being a real estate agent and helping people begin the next chapter of their lives.

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74 Maple Avenue, Catskill, 纽约州, 美国

Century 21®房产代理TerenceLynch目前有4个房源。TerenceLynch能说英语TerenceLynch就职于Century 21®房产公司,CENTURY 21 New West Properties在Century 21®位于74 Maple Avenue, Catskill, 纽约州, 美国。